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America the Beautiful? With Liberty and Justice for All?

After 244 years of liberation from the British, after 244 years of freedom, and after several years after the American Revolutionary War, building and birthing a new nation, I fear that we have derailed from our original dream for the United States of America. You see, we have lost our prospects and ideals and have allowed ourselves to become divided, the opposite of everything the United States is supposed to stand for. Somehow we have ended up allowing our nation to be run by business tycoons and influenced by celebrities who have taken hold of the idea that they are qualified to run a country. We have allowed racism and black discrimination to resurface, bolder than ever after our founding fathers worked so hard to abolish it in the hopes for unity, equality, and peace. Advocates like John Laurens, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman are all among the first who worked tirelessly for slavery and discrimination to become extinct and now we are single handedly undoing all their efforts and for what? For pride, or for money? For recognition, fame, and power?

We have sat back and watched as our country went from everything we had ever dreamed of, full of liberty and justice, to overrun with more power-hungry, cold-hearted, self-promoting individuals who are uneducated and misled into pulling our country back to where we started. Maybe we are free from the British today, but we are being quickly captured again by these old-fashioned beliefs and power plays from citizens who think themselves better than the rest, more experienced, or more deserving than others. At the rate we are going history will soon be pouncing on us, dragging us back through the abyss where we will once again be victims of slavery, discrimination, violence, racism, and sexism among other old beliefs. Are we just that incapable of change, love and acceptance? Must we continue to fight and reset over and over for eternity? This may sound insensitive to you, but this is the sad truth that must be exploited before we are too far lost to find our original beliefs and ideals that represent this nation.

We are told nowadays many conflicting words of advice, including both to stand up for what you believe in but also that one is entitled to their opinion. The issue now is that too many people have opinions that they act upon, consequently harming or hindering those around them. It’s not about holding or acting on an opinion, but the effect it has on others. We have blocked our peripheral vision and we only look forward, blurring out all sympathy and empathy for our fellow citizens, our comrades. People need to be taught, to be shown that not everyone will always be in accordance with your beliefs, but that is not a cue to act out in violent or hurtful ways. We can still get along with our neighbors, no matter their skin color, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, or beliefs. We get nowhere by sticking our noses up and staunchly refusing to even greet them, much less by taking it further and acting on it in ways that are much worse. It’s time for you to realize that no matter how much hate is given, that these individuals you are so against aren’t going anywhere. You can’t stop someone from being black or from loving who they love. Nobody, not even I can convince someone to change their opinion and nor do I want to. My goal here is simply to raise awareness and attempt to unify our country once more by accepting everyone and embracing our differences.

As a fellow American, I believe that I deserve to live in the country our founding fathers built for us through their hard fighting and bloodshed. They may be gone today but we’ve sat idly for too long. If we wish to enjoy the fruits of their labors once more, if we wish to pass on a strong, free nation to our future generations then something must be done. You are called upon to help-everyone. I’m not saying that every citizen must up and run for President or hold a seat in the House of Representatives, no. But I urge you to change your mindset-or at least to read these papers and reflect. Learn to keep your opinions to your chest and not to judge one’s character simply by their beliefs, political or otherwise. I, myself am still learning this lesson. A great many number of people may be shaking their heads while reading this, scoffing at the mere idea that the United States is in fact divided. I could not agree with you more, and I am fully aware that should I be in your position I would feel wholeheartedly the same. But imagine, just for a moment, that the tables were turned. Imagine your ancestors tirelessly fighting for freedom as slaves, or imagine living in fear because of who you love. In fact, the tables should very well be turned, because it turns out that white people didn’t come first. Empathize, and imagine your children being scared to be alone or even to go to school for fear of bullying and violence. Imagine teaching your child how to act around policemen because you can’t trust our own system of government and National Police to keep you safe! Imagine worrying about how you dress for fear it’ll give you away. Imagine not wanting to leave the house. I understand how difficult it is to squeeze your foot into someone else’s shoe, especially if that’s not what you were taught to do. Change is one of the hardest things you will ever have to face, I’ve learned that firsthand. However it can also open up doors to the most stubborn of us all, myself included. You’re not alone.

We are so divided today that it can be hard to believe that there are others out there facing the same future, the same issues and changes as you. But if we continue to forge ahead by ourselves, we become more estranged from those around us. It’s a common misconception that bravery means doing things on your own and accomplishing goals and work by yourself, but in reality, it takes a village. No individual has ever gotten where they are today without the help of many others. Even the presidents, past and present don’t do everything by themselves. We rely on the advice and help of others to build each other up so everyone can stand tall and live prosperously in the gardens of happiness. We cannot get there without rules and respect for others.

As American citizens, we are entitled to our rights, but we must also respect the rights of others. The purpose of a unified, free nation is not so one citizen can be completely free, but so that everyone can have equal rights, and with that must come rules. Sometimes this may include sacrificing your own rights so that others can prosper, and in turn, they will do the same. Of course, not everyone will, but by doing the right thing and supporting your fellow citizens, we can start a change and help build our nation back up. This may seem like an idea that goes against the entire purpose of having rights, but in the ever wise words of Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.”, we can live by example. If we exercise our rights in an abusive way, then we are being selfish and we become estranged from the ideals and unity of our nation. But, if we are responsible and respectful with out power, our rights, then everyone may partake in the wonders our nation once had to offer.

Hi guys,

I know this article isn't the Halloween vibe you might have been expecting (they are coming soon, I promise) but I found this essay that I wrote a while ago and I figured it was perfect with elections coming up. Thanks once again for all your support and I hope you enjoy!


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Very well done and written.


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